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Children in Cyberspace: Challenges for Librarians

Author: Chudinova V., Head of Department of Sociological Researches of the Russian State Children’s Library, Candidate of Pedagogical Science.
e-mail: chudinova@rgdb.ru; chudvp@yandex.ru

Annotation: The results of the research the interaction problems between children, teenagers and the Internet, and problems of protection and realization of their rights by librarians are considered in the article. The results of foreign researches on the given theme are also presented. A number of its legal aspects is analysed, the rights of children of direct relevance to the theme of 'Children and the Information' on the basis of the UN Convention are placed in strong relief. The main features, possibilities and dangers of the Internet to development of the person are shown.
The surveys of schoolchildren, teachers and librarians, which were hold by researchers of the Russian State Children Library, have allowed the author to find out various aspects of the younger generation interaction with the Internet, to set out the actual problems facing library experts today.

Key words: Children, Teenagers, Internet, Cyberspace, Children’s Rights, Problems of Safety of Children and Teenagers, Surveys of Librarians.


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