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Competence and Expertise of a Library Specialist: How and Why to Evaluate them

Authors: Elepov B., Director of the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Studies, Professor
E-mail: office@spsl.nsc.ru

Kryuchkova E., Director of Research Library of the Novosibirsk Institute of Economics and Management, Associate Professor
E-mail: kruchkova@niem.siberia.net

Annotation: Different approaches to definition of concepts “competence” and “competence” (responsibility) are considered. Authors’ definition of these concepts is given; frameworks related to library and information specialists are outlined. The attempt to develop competence as a set of criteria directly associated with the broad range of specific forms of activity in the practice of staff management in large research libraries is made.

Key words: Knowledge, Skills, Competencies, Staff Management, Personnel Evaluation

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