Author: Kudrin V. Chief librarian of the department on studying A. F. Losev’s heritage of Library of Russian philosophy and culture history (A. F. Losev’s House)
Annotation: The attempt of reconstruction of the doctrine on essence of a number, which doctrine belonged to A. F. Losev, the Great Russian philosopher, is described in the article. In the author’s opinion, this doctrine will allow not only to create a new trend in the mathematics, named as «gileticheskaya» mathematics or «giletika», but also to solve a fundamental problem of modern computer science — the problem of full preservation of information and of unlimited access to it, as well as to found a «Gileticheskaya» library of the World Bank of the Information being under continuous replenishment.
Key words: essence of a number, A. F. Losev the philosopher, preservation of information, access to information, essence of a number doctrine in mathematics, philosophy of mathematics, «gileticheskoye» number, «gileticheskaya» mathematics, information storage, information reproduction, consciousness nature, the future of computer science, «Gileticheskaya» library.
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