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Models, Practices and Methods of Reading: Evolution in Time and Space

Author: Melentyeva Yu., Head of the Department of Science Research center for Book Culture History at Science and Production Division of «Science» Publishing House, EdD, professor
E-mail: melentievau@mail.ru

Annotation: In recent years as public in general and specialist have been showing big interest to the matters of reading. According to discussion and launch of the «Support and Development of Reading National Program», many Russian libraries are organizing the large-scale events like marathons, lecture cycles, bibliographic trainings etc. which should draw attention of different social groups to reading. The individual forms of attraction to reading are used much rare. To author’s mind the main reason of such an issue has to be the lack of information about forms and methods of attraction to reading.

Key words: Models of reading, The Practises of reading, workshops of reading.

1. История чтения на Западе: от античности до наших дней: сб. ст. / сост.: Р. Шартье, Г. Кавалло; науч. ред. рус. пер. Ю. П. Мелентьева. — М.: Гранд Фаир, 2007.
2. Кацпаржак Е. И. История письменности и книги / Е. И. Кацпаржак. — М., 1955.
3. Лотман Ю. М. Семиосфера / Ю. М. Лотман. — СПб., 2001.
4. Жак Ж. История письменности и книгопечатания / Ж. Жак. — М.: АСТ, 2005.
5. Эко У. Открытое произведение / У. Эко. — СПб., 2004.

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