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Study of Reference and Bibliographic Service Efficiency (Based of the Study of the National Library of Belarus)

Author: Kapyrina A., Academic secretary of the National Library of Belarus
E-mail: kapyrina@nlb.by

Annotation: The article outlines the results of complex analysis of bibliographical services while taking level of contentment of user information needs into account. Results of survey that was done at the National Library of Belarus during 1997–2000 are presented.

Key words: Bibliographical services, study of effectiveness, application of electronic information resources.

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Логос, 2002. — 151с. — (Публикация ИФЛА; 76).
4. Guidenelines for implementing and maintaining virtual reference services [Electronic resourse] // Reference and user services association / Amer. Library Association. — Chicago, IL, 2004. — Mode of access: http://www.ala.org/ala/rusa/rusaprotools/referenceguide/virtrefguidelines.htm (15.12.2005).
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