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Back to main page /  Products /  Journals and magazines /  Bibliotekovedenie /  № 2'2011  /  Shpantseva S., Kuznetsova S., Kochukova E., Interagency Cooperation as a Factor of Effective Acquisition Management of the National Library Collection

Interagency Cooperation as a Factor of Effective Acquisition Management of the National Library Collection


  • Shpantseva S. Head of the Collection System Department, Head of the National Literature Acquisition Department, Russian State Library
  • Kuznetsova S. Deputy Head of the National Literature Acquisition Department, Russian State Library
  • Kochukova E. Head of the National Literature Acquisition Department, Library for Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract: The history and the present state of the legal deposit, as a main source of the national library resources are reflected in the article. The reasons negatively influencing the quality of acquisition are marked by the author. The steps and measures to improve the effectiveness of legal deposit system are proposed.

Key words: Legal Deposit System, National Library Resources, Management of Acquisition, Interagency Cooperation


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