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Cataloging of Internet Resources: Problems and Solutions (Experience of the Web Resources Catalog’s Creation in the Samara Regional Universal Research Library)


  • Kuzmina O., Chief Bibliographer of the Reference and Information Department, the Samara Regional Universal Research Library
  • Sabelnikova I., Chief Bibliographer of the Reference and Information Department, the Samara Regional Universal Research Library

Abstract: The paper deals with important questions of cataloguing of web resources. It summarizes certain experience of creating bibliographical data base in the environment of «МАРК-SQL» computer-aided library IT system achieved in the course of realizing the project «Multi-resource on-line support in the fields of culture, education and national health» which got the grant of President of the Russian Federation in 2009. The problems connected with selection and the description of web resources by catalog maintenance in an actual condition are considered, the ways of their decision are offered.

Key words: Internet, cataloguing, web resources, MARC-format, information technologies, reference and bibliographic service, bibliographical resources, data bases, culture, education, medicine, the Samara Regional Universal Research Library, project activity, webliography.


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