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«Biblioteka v epohu peremen» (Library in the era of transformation)

This interdisciplinary digest series pursue primarily educational and information goals and address librarians seeking to improve their performance and stretch their professional capabilities.

Publications provide reference materials, reviews, digests, bibliographies, based on reviewing a wide range of themed Russian periodicals (in the fields of philosophy, culture, information technologies, book studies, literary criticism, education, sociology, political studies, law and management), introduced to RSL, along with reviews of relevant international and web publications.

Sections of the series:
’Text. Book. Culture’, ’Information Society and Culture’, ’Knowledge Stockists and the Power’, ’Library and Humanities’, ’Authors. Publishers. Libraries. Readers’, ’Library and Innovative IT’. Three of each quarterly issues would be themed.

The digest is designed to provide support along the following dimensions of readers’ goals:

select the field and focus of research;
meet practical work challenges;
design the development strategy for an organisation;
modify interaction with patrons in line with the demands of information society;
manage human resource and knowledge;
make up an educational programme;
keep up with the demands of educational programme.

Frequency — quarterly. Subscription code: Frequency — quarterly. Subscription code in the ’Catalogue of NTI publications’ of Rospechat’: 64936.

Information on recent and archived issues is available on the web-site of RSL. To download full-text articles please subscribe to RSL ’Informcultura’ services (see terms and conditions on the web-site of RSL ’Informcultura’, the link ’Service’).

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