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Activity of Libraries and Village Reading Rooms in Mari Village during the Great Patriotic War

Author: Ribalka A., Candidate of National History Department of Mari State University
E-mail: Anytik99999@rambler.ru

Annotation: The article analyzes the activities of libraries and village reading-rooms in the Mari village during the Great Patriotic War. It describes the changes in libraries’ work at the beginning of the war, forms and methods of cultural and educational work. Special attention is paid to lectures, talks, newspapers and news briefs of the Soviet Information Bureau, conferences, literary evenings, collective radio programmers hearings, stands with central and local newspapers and help to the front. The article also considers the work with the rural youth and the organization of mobile libraries.

Key words: The Great Patriotic War, forms and methods of work, youth, mobile libraries.


  1. Государственный архив Республики Марий Эл (далее — ГА РМЭ). Ф. П-1. Оп. 5. Д. 303. 124 л.
  2. ГА РМЭ. Ф. П-1. Оп. 5. Д. 420. 94 л.
  3. ГА РМЭ. Ф. П-1. Оп. 5. Д. 451. 134 л.
  4. ГА РМЭ. Ф. Р-407. Оп. 1. Д. 182. 48 л.
  5. ГА РМЭ. Ф. Р-993. Оп. 1. Д. 22. 51 л.
  6. Коммунистическая партия в Великой Отечественной войне: Документы и материалы. — М., 1970. — 432 с.
  7. Политпросветработа. — 1942. — № 11—12. — 32 c.
  8. Спутник агитатора. — 1942. — № 1. — 48 с.

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