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Research Libraries to the Provincial Scientific Archival Commissions

Author: Valeev A., Leading Specialist of the Secretariat of the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of Federal Meeting of the Russian Federation, Cand.Phil.Sci., associate professor
E-mail: emil.valeev@mail.ru

Annotation: Research libraries of the provincial scientific archival commissions had been established at the first committee meetings. The collection was born from donated books of the first chairmen and honorary members of the commissions. Firstly conceived with the aim to assist staff in their research activities they partly increased demands of the provincial nobility and students. The identifiers of the library collections were in the availability of manuscripts, official publications of supreme and local authorities, works of the scientists of local lore, the regional press. Inadequate financing of the commissions and the problem of professionalization of personnel did not allow libraries to realize all social functions.

Key words: research library, library collections, types and kinds of publications, systematic catalog, Scientific Archival Commission, cultural and scientific life, Russian provinces.


  1. Двадцатипятилетние Саратовской ученой архивной комиссии. 1886–1911 гг.: Ист. очерк / Сост. В.П. Соколов. — Саратов, 1911.
  2. Дорожин Б.А. История пензенской губернской ученой комиссии: дис. ... канд. ист. наук. — Пенза, 1998; Захаров В.М. Развитие основных направлений саратовского краеведения в досоветский период: дис. ...канд. ист. наук. — Саратов, 1990; Толстов В.А. Рязанская ученая архивная комиссия: дис. ... канд. ист. наук. — Саратов, 2003; Вечтомова Ю.Е. Вятская ученая архивная комиссия: дис. ... канд. ист. наук. — Киров, 2004.
  3. Труды Вятской ГУАК 1905 года. — Вятка, 1905. — Вып. IV.
  4. Труды Вятской ГУАК 1905 года. — Вятка, 1906. — Вып. V, VI.
  5. Труды Вятской ГУАК 1912 года. — Вятка, 1912. — Вып. I, II.
  6. Шмидт С.О. Краеведение и документальные памятники. — Тверь, 1991; Макарихин В.П. Губернские ученые архивные комиссии. — Нижний Новгород: Волго-Вятское кн. изд-во, 1991.

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