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The Name from the Encyclopedia 'Book' (Memory of A. Kravtsov)

Author: Bakumenko V., Journalist, Veteran of the State Academic Bolshoi Theatre of Russia
E-mail: vm-bakumenko@yandex.ru

Annotation: The article is devoted to outstanding artist Gershon A. Kravtsov, a pupil and associate of V. Favorsky, the creator of graphic art school of new time. G. Kravtsov entered the history of book graphics and exlibris of the last century as a celebrated pioneer, a creator of special style in the art of wood engraving. The author pinpoints the main stages of the creative way of the great master and his rich public activities, describes the significant contribution of the artist to gold fund of exlibris art of the XXth century.

Key words: exlibris, xylography, book artist, creator of unique style in graphic arts, author of the project of 'Anniversary Jewish' font.


  1. Каталог выставки «Г.А. Кравцов, Л.Р. Мюльгаупт, М.И. Райская». — М.: Сов. художник, 1988. — С. 3–15.
  2. Книга: энциклопедия. — М.: Большая росс. энциклопедия, 1999. — С. 344–345.
  3. Кравцов Г.А. Владимир Андреевич Фаворский и его экслибрисы / Г.А. Кравцов. — М.: Книга, 1973. — С. 48.
  4. Перкин В.Д. Книжные знаки художника Г.А. Кравцова / В.Д. Перкин. — М., 1997. — С. 72.
  5. Приглашение на 259 заседание Московского клуба экслибрисистов. — М., 1986. — С. 6.

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