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Back to main page /  Products /  Journals and magazines /  Bibliotekovedenie /  № 3’2010  /  Merenkova N. Domestic Tradition of Patronage and Charity in the Library Field of the Oryol Region (the end of XIX — beginning of XX century)

Domestic Tradition of Patronage and Charity in the Library Field of the Oryol Region (the end of XIX — beginning of XX century)

Author: Merenkova N., Senior Lecturer, Department of Library Science and Bibliography,
Orel State Institute of Arts and Culture

Annotation: The idea of preserving the national identity is actualized in the last decade in Russia, the tendency of returning to national traditions is observed. Charitable activities of public organizations and individuals in the development of librarianship of Orel region at the background of the history of Russian society of the late XIX — early XX century are reviewed in the article.

Key words: patronage, charity, historiography, Orel region, library activity.


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  7. Погодин С.Н. Владимир Иванович Герье как историк и методолог // Вопросы истории. — 2004. — № 10. — С. 151–162.
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