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History of the Ecclesiastical Seminary Library in Ryazan (XVIII cent.)

Author: Pichugin P., Degree-seeking student of the Russian History Department, Russian State Social University
E-mail: pavel-pichugin@mail.ru

Annotation: The article is related to the history of creation and development of the Riazan Ecclesiastical Seminary and its library in the 18th century. The materials of the Russian State Archives of Ancient Documents (RSAAD), State Archive of the Ryazan Region and other sources are used in it. This let to see the position of the Ecclesiastical Seminary Library in the history of the national enlightenment as well as the role of charity in the formation of the library collections of this educational institution. The author for the first time introduces the document — 'The book catalogue of the Ryazan Ecclesiastical Seminary Library' («Каталог книг библиотеки Рязанской духовной семинарии») for scientific use. The article is of interest for historians, library scientists, experts in the Russian charity history.

Key words: libraries, ecclesiastical seminary, Ryazan, History of Russia in XVIII cent., education, enlightenment, charity.


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