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Finnish Libraries: From Agrikola Times to the Present Day

Author: Chechikova Yu., postgraduate student of Moscow State University of Culture and Arts
E-mail: chechikova@list.ru

Annotation: The present paper considers the history of Finnish public libraries, the situation and circumstances of the first experiences in this area like readers` associations. The author shows the political and social tendencies in the country which had the largest influence on the formation of principles of libraries` activities. Much attention is given by the author to the history of foundation and current activities of the National Library of Finland.

Key words: public libraries, Turku City Library, National Library of Finland, Michael Agricola, Finnish libraries political program.


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  2. Володин Б. Ф. Всемирная история библиотек / Б. Ф. Володин. — СПб.: Профессия, 2002. — 352 с.
  3. Хякли Э. Как это было // Библиотечное дело. — 2004. — № 8 (20) [Электронный ресурс]. — Режим доступа: http://www.bibliograf.ru/issues/2004/8/32/0/459/
  4. Makinen I. Reading Societies in Finland, in Yleiset kirjastot Suomessa / I. Makinen. — Vassa, 1994. — P. 104.
  5. The National Library of Finland: Annual Report 20072008 / K. Ekholm [Электронный ресурс]. — Режим доступа: http://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/english/index.htm
  6. Wigell-Ryynanen B. A deeply rooted tradition ensuring access to knowledge and culture in Finnish libraries // Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology. — 2007. — № 2. — P. 6974.

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