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Back to main page /  Products /  Journals and magazines /  Bibliotekovedenie /  № 6’2009  /  Romanov P. Conception of Information and Library Service Cost in the Foreign Librarianship: Analysis, Tendencies, Intercommunications

Conception of Information and Library Service Cost in the Foreign Librarianship: Analysis, Tendencies, Intercommunications

Author: Romanov P., Associate Professor, Moscow City University of Management of the Moscow Government, Cand. Sc. Education.
E-mail: rom-peter@yandex.ru

Annotation: Basic approaches of the foreign library scientists to evaluating the efficiency of library activities, as well as related questions of valuation (value) of library service are considered. Different views on the construction of an optimal model of the value of library service, possible changes in the definition of library with account taken of the increasing value of information within the system «library» are resulted.

Key words: efficiency, libraries and information services, reference services, willingness to accept, willingness to pay, evaluation, costs, added value, option value, value-in-exchange, user-centred approach, system analysis, the system 'library'.


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