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Reader and Library in Modern Society (Some Aspects of Post-Nonclassical Library Science)

Author: Nikonorova E., Deputy Director General of the Russian State Library, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
e-mail: nikonor@rsl.ru

Annotation: The main problems of library science development in the context of modern civil and social changes are revealed: crudity of adequate methodology of scientific researches and of strategy of the activity which reflects new approaches to studying libraries and librarianship in the conditions of innovative transformations on the way to information society and knowledge economy.

The transformation core is that the library becomes the subject of social and cultural reality construction on the basis of cardinal positioning change of the subject-subject relationship between readers and society. The author proves that this model of interaction appears in the form of possibility, its realization is determined by library maturity as the collective subject, capable to provide own inherent entirety, to choose relevant development strategy and to take charge of its realization. The realization of this program is possible on the ground of active systems interdisciplinary researches which should be based on the methodology of Post-Nonclassical science.

Key words: Library Science, Methodology of Scientific Researches, Social and Cultural Reality, Reader, Subject, Post-Nonclassical Science.


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