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Development of Librarianship at the Northern Railway

Author: Lebedev A., Ph.D Student at the Native Medieval and Modern History Department of the P. Demidov Yaroslavl State University
E-mail: kafka-a@mail.ru

Annotation: Many aspects related to the history of railway development in Russia are still undeveloped yet. Such a side of life of native railways as librarianship development is undeservingly overlooked but mostly this kept the railway employees to maintain the high cultural level.

Key words: Librarianship, Northern Railways, Beginning of the XX century, History of Library Network Development

1. Государственный архив Ярославской области. Ф. 1539. Оп. 1. Д. 12. Л. 20.
2. Государственный архив Ярославской области. Ф. 1539. Оп. 1. Д. 47. Л. 144, 162, 263.
3. История железнодорожного транспорта России. Т.1. 1836—1917 гг. — М., 1994. — С. 137.
4. Отчет правления Северных железных дорог за 1915 год. — М., 1916. — С. 14.

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