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Requirements for Manuscripts to be Published in the 'Bibliotekovedenie' Journal

The English translation of Requirements for Manuscripts to be Published in the “Bibliotekovedenie” Journal presented below is for informative purposes only. In case of conflict between the Russian original and the English translation, the Russian original prevails.

The Editorial Staff accepts only original research papers which have not been published elsewhere and other research materials in accordance with the theme of the major sections. To be published in Bibliotekovedenie, the authors must submit to the Editorial Board:

1. Manuscript (in Russian)

It must be submitted in both printed form (dated and signed by the author) and digital form (by e-mail to bvpress@rsl.ru) as Microsoft Word 97-2003 file.
The text must be in Times New Roman Cyr font, 12 pt, with one-and-a-half line spacing. The length of the manuscript must not exceed 20 000 characters (letters and spaces between words), including abstracts, keywords, notes and references cited.

The breakdown of the manuscript must be as follows:

    UDC and LBC Indexes revealing thematic context of the paper.
Author’s details: first name, patronymic, family name, position, affiliation (exact title according to the Statutes), academic title, and rank. All these should be given in the order mentioned and with right alignment. Contact details: phone numbers (work, home, mobile), electronic mail, and postal address. Phone numbers can be used only in communication purposes between the author and the editorial staff and are not subject to publication.
Abstract (written in italics) — brief presentation of the manuscript with an accent on the topicality of the subject, new approaches and key points. The length of the abstract must be 150 — 200 words.
Keywords to the content of the manuscript (8–10 words in italics).
Main text which is advisable to split into sections (with subheadings).
The author’s initials must be written without spaces between them and with a non-breaking space after the family name (Ctrl + Shift + Space rollover).
The text may contain quotation marks «...». If another quote is nested within the first quote, the quotation marks must differ. The quotation marks of the first (external) quote must be French quotation marks («...» - polylines pointed like arrows), while quotation marks of the second (internal) quote must be inverted commas —   «…“…”».
There may be an em dash (—) in the text (the result of Ctrl + Alt + - rollover) and a hyphen.
Infographics (tables, diagrams, drawings and formulas) must be numbered. Tables and diagrams must have headings shown above the respective graph or table. Every drawing must have a caption.
    References Cited must be formatted according to the acceptable standards (Interstate Standand GOST 7/1-2003) and listed at the end of the manuscript in the alphabetic order (in Russian and other languages). Reference marks to the references in the body of the manuscript must be given in square brackets [reference number on the list, page number].
The Editorial Office recommends monitoring and using publications on the manuscript’s subject, published in the previous issues of the journal “Bibliotekovedenie”, as well as in other research journals with related subject to ensure continuity and topicality of the subject. If there is no possibility to find the publications of the previous years, there are available issues of the journal for the current year at the Editorial Office for sale, as well as subscription for the journal at a special price.
Notes must be numbered using Arabic figures (the superscript key in the word processor menu— a1, a2).
Automatic footnotes of the word processor cannot be used for making bibliographic lists, notes and references. Footnotes must appear below the text on page 1 in case there is an indication that the manuscript will be continued and/or in the reference to the primary source.
Captions must look as follows: illustration file name/number — explanations to the illustration (what/who/where was depicted; a bibliographic description must be made for book covers and their content). File numbers on the list must match the names/numbers of the pictures enclosed.
2. Data in English
Author’s details (including the authorized institute’s English name), major heading, abstract and keywords (same volume and order as in the Russian text) must be presented in the printed and digital forms (separate file sent by e-mail) of the text in Microsoft Word 97-2003 file.
To ensure citation tracking in the international databases, the Journal publishes list of references in English (and / or in transliteration). The Editorial Office recommends authors to submit information on the verified translation of reference list in English (if applicable) as a separate list. Numeration of the sources must match original numeration in Russian.
3. Artwork and illustrations
These must be submitted in the digital form (illustrations and the photo of the author — the latter being an absolute necessity) by separate TIFF/JPG files, no less than 300 dpi.
Word-imported illustrations or their photocopies are not allowed.
Illustrations and infographics (tables, diagrams, etc.) in the text must be adapted for the black-and-white printing of the high quality.
All artwork and illustrations must be provided with captions (shown in the file).
4. Offer Acceptance Act (printed-out and signed)

All legal matters related to publication in the Journal, including the responsibilities of the Parties (author and publisher), are regulated on the basis of the PUBLIC OFFER (PUBLISHING) and the Offer Acceptance Act signed by the author. Providing manuscripts to the Editorial Office Author(s) guarantees that the Manuscript is original, it was not published before, and the right of authorship for Manuscript in virtue of creation belongs to the Author(s).

The Acceptance Act may be completed on paper in any format; it must be signed by the author(s) personally in blue ink (ball pen) and must contain the following details:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Postal address for correspondence
  • E-mail address
  • Citizenship (for foreign authors)
  • ID or Passport: Series _____ No. ___________, issued by __________, date of issue__________, issuing authority code __________
  • The text: “I (We) agree to the Terms and Conditions of the PUBLIC OFFER (PUBLISHING) of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian State Library” No. 101/02Л/0084 dated January 13, 2014, and accept them, i. e., provide the Publisher, on the Terms and Conditions offered thereby, with the exclusive rights to the Work under the tentative heading __________________________ ”.

For the sake of convenience, we can provide templates of the Acceptance Act for the Author or Multiple Authors.

The Acceptance Act may be forwarded to:

Federal State Budgetary Institution «Russian State Library»
Periodicals Publishing Department (OPI) (to No. 8)
To: A.A. Gadzhieva

Vozdvizhenka Str., 3/5
Moscow 119019, Russia


5. Reference Letter from Research Supervisor

Mandatory for manuscripts by PhD and external doctoral students

Authors are fully responsible for the content and publishing of their manuscripts. The opinion of the Editorial Board may differ from that of the authors, and the Editorial Board will never be held liable for any inaccurate data published in the Journal. The Journal Editorial Board disclaims any responsibility to the authors and/or third persons and organizations for any damage that may incur as a result of the publication of the manuscript.

PhD students are not charged for the publication of their manuscripts. No royalties are paid.
Manuscripts and related other materials will not be returned.

Manuscripts that do not observe these Requirements will not be accepted for publication.

These Requirements have been drafted in compliance with the provisions of the Order No. 793 of the Ministry of Education and Science dated July 25, 2014 "Concerning Approval of the rules of creation with notice of the List of Russian Reviewed Scientific Journals which publish the basic results of research findings of PhD and Doctoral Dissertations, and Requirements for the reviewed science journals for inclusion in the List of Russian Reviewed Scientific Journals which publish the basic results of research findings of PhD and Doctoral Dissertations (for more information, please see at http://vak.ed.gov.ru/).

Please call the Editorial Board at +7 (499) 557-04-70, ext 10-64 to arrange the date and time of your visit.

The English translation of Requirements for Manuscripts to be Published in the “Bibliotekovedenie” Journal presented above is for informative purposes only. In case of conflict between the Russian original and the English translation, the Russian original prevails. 

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