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Back to main page /  Products /  Journals and magazines /  Bibliotekovedenie /  № 5'2011  /  Stepanova N., Cultural and Educational Activities of the Orthodox Library in the Oryol province (the second half of the XIXth to the early XXth century)

Cultural and Educational Activities of the Orthodox Library in the Oryol province (the second half of the XIXth to the early XXth century)

Author: Stepanova N., Competitor, Librarianship and Bibliography department of the Oryol State Institute of Arts and Culture

Abstract: Aspects of cultural-educational activity of the Oryol province orthodox libraries of the second half XIX — the beginnings of XX centuries are considered in the paper. There is presented information on educational activity of spiritual school libraries, regional studies of the Oryol church historical archaeological libraries, and also educational activity of the Oryol orthodox Peter and Paul brotherhood library.

Key words: Orthodox libraries, church societies, educational brotherhoods, enlightenment, cultural activity, the Oryol province.

Summary in Russian

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