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Art of a Book of D. Stelletsky

Author: Aksenova G., Associate Professor of Russian History Department of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Candidate of History

Abstract: Dmitry Stelletsky was a sculptor, a painter, a graphic artist and a glorious representative of the Russian retrospectivism at the end of the XIXth — the first quarter of the XXth century that paid his attention to the art of manuscript book. The paper examines one of the most important aspects of his work such as book graphics which received positive enthusiastic reviews of artists and art critics. The papere shows the artist’s career from the studying at the Higher Art School of the Arts Academy and his work in the M.K. Tenisheva atelier till the painting of the church of the Trinity-St Sergius monastery in Paris and the creating of the manuscript masterpiece called «The Lay of Igor’s Warfare».
In his book graphic works Dmitry Stelletsky was able to achieve as close as possible to the traditions of ancient Russian art and to revive the old Russian book tradition of compositionally stylistic unity of letters, ornaments and illustrations.

Key words: Retrospectivism, Book graphics, Manuscript book, Iconography, Sculpture, Old Russian traditions, Dmitry Stelletsky


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